Dr. Joanna McMillan

What and how we eat, now and in the future, has never been more important in terms of its impact on our physical and mental health, and for the health of our planet. Yet it is more confusing than ever for us to know the best choices to make when so much conflicting information abounds. This is where Dr Joanna McMillan excels.  Jo has a natural ability to translate complex science into simple, everyday messages that engage; benefiting the well-being of audiences across all media platforms; be it audio, broadcast, print or in front of a live audience. 

As an Accredited Practising Dietitian, PhD qualified Nutrition Scientist, Fellow of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine and Graduate of The Australian Institute of Company Directors, along with a career spanning three decades, Jo has the credentials and the experience to earn her place as one of Australia’s most sought-after and trusted health and wellbeing experts.

 Jo is a regular on television and is the author of eight published books and four audio books, covering a range of topics including gut, brain and heart health. Jo is an experienced speaker and MC, with over one million views of her 2017 TedX talk What to Eat for Real Change.