Baked Avocado Eggs, 3 Ways

Serves makes 4

Time 25 minutes


2 avocados, cut in half, seed removed

4 small eggs 


Japanese furikake 

Chilli flakes + fresh herbs or a chilli extra virgin oil

BBQ or Tomato Sauce 



Heat oven to 200°C and line a loaf tin or another baking dish that can fit the avocados tightly (so they don’t tip over) with greaseproof paper. Scoop a small amount of the avocado* flesh from the middle to create a large hole for the eggs. 

Crack 1 egg into a bowl, then gently pour the yolk into the avocado hole first, holding back the white ever so slightly to ensure it all fits. Repeat with the remaining eggs and avocado. 

Place in oven to cook for 15-20 minutes (depending on how runny you like the yolk of course!). 

Top with your choice of seasoning or eat straight up as it comes for a tasty, nutritious snack or breakfast option with toast or quinoa.

*Put the avocado flesh aside to eat later, eat it whilst you wait for the avocado eggs to cook or pop in the freezer to throw into a smoothie or ice blocks


White Chocolate and Raspberry Bread & Butter Pudding


Don Pedro